
The relationship with technology

The Relationship With Technology Throughout history technology has always been advancing but today, technology definitely plays a key role in our lives compared to others living centuries ago. In the beginning, it was all simple ideas coming to life, like the wheel, the light bulb, wagon, tools, and so much more but after time goes by, these tools start to adapt over time to new and better ones that are more efficient. Once they start creating one way to make it better, right after they will be looking for ways to make their new technology better than the last, and its a whole cycle of new technologies. The problem with this is, the more automated the world gets, the less amount of jobs needed for actual employees, if Artificial Intelligence is capable of doing the same thing for way less of a price, they would rather do that. Another thing is, people lose in touch with actual labor that if something breaks down and they have to go back to the manual way, people have no idea how to do

In the age of AI

 In The Age Of AI Right from the beginning I knew it was gonna be an interesting video because one of the first things said was, we're not searching google but their searching us. This makes total sense just because the amount of personalized ads that happen throughout the day, that are specifically targeting something I am looking for or something that I had talked about recently. I truly don't know how ads pop up randomly for something I was just thinking about the other day, this just creates more doubt in how truly safe are we using the internet or electronic devices. On the plus side though, AI has benefitted tremendously with work in the medical field. What i mean is that, they were able to use technology to scan through hundreds of patients and after the AI goes through them with code installed to check for certain things within the documents, to determine results of cancer, like if they have it or could be developed in the next few years. This is huge for the community


 Propaganda Propaganda has been around forever, the amount of groups that used it throughout history shows that propaganda id used effectively, can help you get the job done that you want it t get done. In reality, propaganda is not when you only show people approved information, but also the fact that they try to get rid of opposing points made that are opposite of what the propaganda wants. There is no such thing of good or bad propaganda, it's just based on how the propaganda is used, to determine if it's positive or negative propaganda to the specific audience. Propaganda has been used many times by the government to get public support but also the public has used it to show the government as well, to help fix whatever issue they are trying to portray with their propaganda. Normally propaganda is ran through the government, because certain societies don't allow certain or any propaganda inside their nations while others do. The problem with this is, some societies are a

Privacy Online and off

 Privacy Online & Off My family hasn't been personally hacked or anything but I know many people that have been and it ruins their life some but it normally just is in inconvenience to some ones life to have to go through the process of getting stuff back or having to start from scratch, because they had to change all new accounts. The information in the videos was very alarming in some aspects. For example the faces company selling millions of face identifications to Facebook and nothing was really done about it. I truly never heard anything about it really and that's pretty significant, just having them be able to sell that information without any notice to the people is alarming. Then the fact that there is only like three things that is really protected from anyone to see, and its only apple friendly or WhatsApp. I am very happy to know that my iPhone does that, but now knowing that everything else isn't secured is scary. The government should be looking into ways s


 Antiwar After looking at these two sites, I could understand why no ones uses their voices in any news outlet. These people have their own agenda and whatever is happening that is not apart of it, they want it gone. They believe that peace solves everything, but in reality we all know you have to get dirty sometimes to get the outcome that is best for the people in effects. Yes some conflicts can be resolved without war, but most of the wars we have fought in, they were for the right reasons, it wasn't like they just went there for fun. They had legitimately needed to go protect our country or help other countries in need of losing their freedom. If many of the wars that happened already, hadn't happened, the world as we know, would look totally different than it does today. The people that created these websites know that this is the only way to spread their ideology of antiwar, by creating a way, for someone with the right key words enters a search and their website pops up


iPhone: Diffusion Theory  During my lifetime, I have seen the progression of many different types of cell phones, all of them all in different shapes and sizes, but most of them were not touch screen yet unless you were one of the extremely wealthy at the time, until the iPhone came out in 2007. This had created an easy way to access the internet without paying an arm and a leg for every use, because you only paid a one time fee for the phone with the internet included. For the reason of how cheap and easy it was to gain access to the internet, Apple really saw a spike from then on in their company. Many people saw this as a new beginning of technology and created mass popularity all over the globe. Mostly the younger generations were the biggest fans because they were growing with the technology coming out, which gave them a little more of an advantage to someone who had relearn new techniques of life to come accustom to the new norms awaiting as technology develops. I still see many


 What Is Even Bluetooth? First off, whenever I think of Bluetooth, I think of the car, wireless headset, cell phone, and so many other devices, but truly until now, I had no clue what Bluetooth really was and how it even worked. It all started in 1994 when Dr. Jaap Haartsen had the task to figure out how to find short range radio connections. He used UHF radio waves to create technology able for Bluetooth, but he also had to make sure it was able to hop through the WIFI because it used the same frequency to make it as reliable as possible. Interestingly enough, ever since, that year they created the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) to help advance the technology as we progress, and involves many leaders from leading tech companies. This all happened because the discovery of radio waves, if there was no such thing, we wouldn't have many things we use in our daily lives. The progression of radio waves started from Heinrich Hertz proving a past scientists theory on radio waves,